It's been awhile...

Oh, hey.

It’s been a few months.

I thought I’d share an update on how things are going in my life. Lately, I’ve been trying to find a good balance between motherhood and work. It’s no lie that your entire life gets flipped upside down when you have a baby, and it’s sometimes hard to decide the best way to do everything.

These past few months have been a weird blur. I’m beyond blessed to be able to stay home with Ava and work from home, but it doesn’t come without challenges. We’ve gotten into somewhat of a routine (not a schedule exactly…I think having a strict schedule with a baby is, frankly, unrealistic.) When she goes down for a nap, I look at my list and decide what to try to get done in the next 30 minutes to an hour. (If she magically decides to take a 2-hour nap, I can get SO MUCH WORK finished, but I usually end up obsessively checking the baby monitor to make sure she’s okay…I’m sure other parents can relate haha) She’s been pretty good about going to sleep for the night around 7 for the past few months, so I usually try to work during the evenings too.

The days are going by slowly but quickly at the same time. (I’m sure if you’re a parent, especially a stay-at-home-parent, you understand what I mean!) Being a mom is such a weird thing. Some days seem to draaaag on forever and I feel like I didn’t get anything accomplished (which is never really true…just keeping a baby alive and happy is a huge accomplishment ;) )

I’m having to remind myself on a consistent basis that I can’t possibly do ALL THE THINGS. I want to do everything…I want to work as much as possible, work on side projects, take up new hobbies, hang out with friends, have a spotless house, make homemade meals every day, etc. etc. etc., but it’s simply not possible. Some days I barely get ANY work done. Some days my house looks like a train ran through it and we pick up Chick-fil-a for dinner. And some days I feel super accomplished, but I realize that I’m exhausted and haven’t taken a single moment just for myself all day. This is a season of life, and life won’t always be this way.

I’m trying to be present with Ava and soak up allllll the babyness that I can. She’s growing SO fast, and I don’t want to look back and feel that I was too caught up in everything else to pay attention to her and watch her grow.

Whatever season your life is in, take the time to enjoy the little moments and remember that it may not be this way forever.

If you want to see some Ava pics, follow me on Instagram:
